Uncomfortable Truth
Good Morning or shall I say, Good Whatever Time of Day That You Come to This Place.
I am glad that you are here, and I pray that every time that you come here you will find strength for living out another day, and for wrestling with the truth of the gospel.
Yes, strength to wrestle.
I am not asking you for blind faith, but rather for faith won through your willingness to engage with the God who created you through grappling with scripture, asking hard questions, occasionally pushing your chair away from the table of conversation to pray, ponder and perhaps argue, but always, yes, always having the courage to step back in to the fray of faith in Jesus Christ.
I have been considering recently how Scripture is a wild combination of warm embracing truth that consoles and comfort our souls, contrasted by deeply uncomfortable truth that calls out to us to struggle, go deeper, and ultimately not rely on our traditions, pre-conceived notions, or ways of being that may have previously worked for us prior to the moment that the Holy Spirit brought us face-to-face with the discomfort of God’s word.
To be held, and to be spurred on, the God of our salvation offers both of these to us, and I hope to share them with you in the thoughts I offer here.
This week I shared some words on abortion over at Her & Hymn. You can find the article under projects on this website.
I shared the uncomfortable truth that love has consequences. Love doesn’t shame, and it does not leave someone hungry and out in the proverbial cold, or for that matter, out in the real life cold.
Life is hard, and scripture maps beautiful and difficult answers for the hardness of the path. Sometimes those answers make the path smoother, and yet at other times they simply provide you with the understanding that the journey you are about take may be treacherous and uncomfortable, but oh so worth the taking.
Be uncomfortable with me. I’ll encourage you along the way.